Organizing committee:
- Sakina-Dorothée Ayata, UPMC (France)
- Grégory Beaugrand, CNRS (France)
- Leocadio Blanco-Bercial, BIOS (Bermuda)
- Guillem Chust, AZTI (Spain)
- Astrid Cornils, AWI (Germany)
- François Guilhaumon, IRD (France)
- Meike Vogt, ETHZ (Switzerland)
Invited participants:
- Lucie Bittner, UPMC (France)
- Thomas Kiørboe, DTU-Aqua (Denmark)
- Sébastien Villéger, CNRS (France)
Selected participants who have confirmed their attendance:
- Anaïs Aubert, MIO (France)
- Laura Basconi, Conisma (Italy)
- Fabio Benedetti, UPMC (France)
- Anne-Sophie Benoiston, UPMC (France)
- Tristan Biard, UPMC (France)
- Philipp Brun, DTU-Aqua (Denmark)
- Lucie Buttay, IEO (Spain)
- Annie Chapelle, Ifremer (Brest)
- Marlène Chiarello, CNRS (France)
- Cédric Cotté, MNHN (France)
- Ophélie Da Silva, UPMC/MNHN (France)
- Colomban de Vargas, CNRS (France)
- Tim Dudeck, IHF (Germany)
- Charlie Gaborit, CSIC-ICM (Spain)
- Anne Goffart, Ifremer (France)
- Lionel Guidi, CNRS (France)
- Jean-Olivier, Irisson UPMC (France)
- Ainhoa Lezama-Ochoa, Ifremer (France)
- Teofil Nakov, Univ. Arkansas (USA)
- Fabrice Not, UPMC (France)
- Marion Olivier, UPMC (France)
- Marc Sourisseau, Ifremer (France)
- Lars Stemmann, UPMC (France)
- Alessandra Vallim Lima, JMFU (Brazil)
- Sergio Vallina, CSIC-ICM (Spain)
- Ernesto Villarino, AZTI (Spain)
More than 30 scientists from 17 research institutes (including 12 EuroMarine members) and 9 countries around the world (France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Bermuda, USA, and Brazil) are taking part of the PlankDiv workshop