Sorry, the registrations are closed since we have reached the maximum number of participants!
Registration is free but mandatory. The workshop is limited to 30 participants.
Travel grants are available for early career researchers (especially PhD candidates) currently working on the impact of climate change on functional and phylogenetic diversity of plankton. The grant will cover their travel, meals, and hosting in shared twin bedrooms at the Observatoire de Villefranche from Monday 14th to Thursday 17th March or Friday 18th March.
Early career researchers working in EuroMarine institutes on niche modelling, functional diversity, or phylogenetic diversity will be favoured.
To register, please send the following information to
- Name, position, organization
- Is your organization a EuroMarine member?
- Contact information (email and professional address)
- Title and abstract (see below)
- Are you an early career researcher, and if so, do you want to apply to a travel grant?
- Are you interested in Workshop 1 (niche modelling), Workshop 2 (functional and phylogenetic diversity), or both?
- Do you have a special diet?